It is a field of knowledge proposed by me, defined as the study of nature in all its expressions, but from the point of view of alternative non-real possibilities. My background is in ecological economics, but I started to have broader interests that encompass other fields of knowledge. However, instead of an interest in traditional knowledge, I started to study fantastic facts and concepts (fantasy). It is not (only) a literary endeavor, but an attempt to create a new (!?) realm of knowledge aside mathematics, philosophy, and science. I will bring up some themes that can be raised as being of interest to fantastic natural history. By scope or complexity, from mathematics to politics, to aesthetics and art.
Physicist Max Tegmark conceived a classification of the levels of the multiverse according to their origins and created a new idea about multiple realities differentiated by their mathematical structure. This could be the focus of a fantastic math class. Superstring Theory is the best candidate for the Theory of Everything in physics. However, it allows for a large number of possible solutions, on the order of 10^500. Studying alternative versions of string physics can be the subject of fantastic physics.
Abiogenesis is the theorized origin of #biology from inorganic chemistry. Due to the absolute lack of evidence, it is only possible to study it with biochemical, mathematical or conceptual models. Fantastic biochemistry can study alternative origins of life. Was the evolution of life on our planet casual or did it follow a rigid path that would have given rise to our biosphere (more or less) even with different initial conditions or events? One of the ways to think about this would be with fantastic evolution.
Why did primitive humans live 2 million years with similar habits, and even anatomically modern humans spent 300,000 years without major social leaps, but farming and writing emerged in the short span of 12 to 8 thousand years ago? Fantastic anthropology. Knowledge flourished in the Mycenaean and Greek world 3k years ago. If the Middle Ages had not occurred, or if it had been radically different, what would human cultural evolution have been like? And if it happens again? Fantastic history themes.
How would the modern world be different if there was no polarization and capitalism was dominant? Or communism? Or even eugenicist fascism? A theoretical field for fantastic economics and politics. Human art bases it mainly on audiovisual information, logically due to the structure of human senses and cognition. What would an art for bats or octopuses look like? Could birds have magnetoceptive art? Fantastic art, aesthetics.
However, the first fundamental question should be the systematization of the difference between a philosophical, mathematical or scientific hypothesis and its fantastic counterparts. A field of study of fantastic philosophy.