About ideas and the life of Maturana
6 May, 2023
Baldolino Calvino

In honor of the renowned scientist Humberto Maturana, who passed away on May 6th, 2021, let us remember his remarkable life and legacy. Born in Chile, Maturana embarked on his academic journey at the University of Chile, where he developed a profound interest in biology. His passion for studying life led him to seek knowledge beyond the borders of his country.

Maturana had the opportunity to enhance his education in neurophysiology at University College London with a Rockefeller Foundation scholarship. Later, he pursued his studies at Harvard University, where he obtained his Ph.D. in Biology. His relentless pursuit of understanding the complexity of life led him to collaborate with Jerome Lettvin at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Together, Maturana and Lettvin co-authored Lettvin’s iconic publication, “What the frog’s eyes tells the frog’s brain?”

After his international experiences, Maturana returned to Chile to hold a professorship at his alma mater, the University of Chile. There, he continued to influence the scientific and intellectual community for decades. His innovative approach to understanding the nature of life and human perception left an indelible mark on biology and beyond.

A significant milestone in his career was his partnership with Francisco Varela in creating the groundbreaking concept of ‘autopoiesis’ in the book “De máquinas y seres vivos: Una teoría sobre la organización biológica” (1973). The theory of autopoiesis describes the ability of living organisms to self-reproduce and maintain themselves as organized entities. This innovative idea was a fundamental breakthrough in understanding the complexity of life and had a profound impact on various fields of knowledge.

In addition to his contributions to biology and the theory of autopoiesis, Humberto Maturana is also recognized for his visionary insights into cognition and intelligence, which have significant implications in the study of artificial intelligence.

Throughout his career, Maturana explored the nature of human cognition and challenged traditional notions of intelligence. He argued that cognition is not solely an individual mental process but is rooted in the interaction between an organism and its environment. This revolutionary perspective influenced the field of cognitive science and laid the groundwork for a deeper understanding of intelligence.

Maturana foresaw concepts that are now widely discussed, such as the importance of context in cognition, the relevance of self-organization in intelligence, and the idea that intelligence is not exclusively human. His holistic approach and emphasis on the relationship between the organism and the environment helped shape studies on artificial intelligence, inspiring researchers to consider the interaction and adaptation of intelligent systems to their contexts.

Maturana’s understanding of cognition and intelligence offers valuable insights for the development of more sophisticated artificial intelligence systems. His work challenges traditional approaches by highlighting the importance of considering context, the dynamics of living systems, and the interaction among different agents.

Thus, Humberto Maturana’s intellectual legacy transcends the boundaries of biology, profoundly impacting the study of cognition and intelligence. His pioneering vision and contributions continue to influence and inspire scientists, researchers, and scholars who seek to unravel the mysteries of the mind and create more effective and adaptable artificial intelligence systems.

Lastly, it is important to mention that Humberto Maturana developed an approach to the biology of cognition firmly grounded in participatory and collective ethics, the notion of sharing an emotional world, and the concept that affection binds us all.

Maturana believed that affection is a central element that connects us to all living beings and influences our interactions with the world around us. This perspective highlights the importance of considering not only the cognitive dimension but also the emotional and relational dimensions of our existence.

By emphasizing the significance of affection and the sharing of an emotional world, Maturana invites us to reflect on how our actions and choices affect not only ourselves, but also other living beings and the environment. His approach reminds us of the deep interconnection we have with the world and the responsibility we have to act ethically and sustainably.

Therefore, Humberto Maturana’s work goes beyond science and invites us to rethink our relationship with the world and other living beings. His holistic vision, anchored in participatory ethics and the sharing of an emotional world, reminds us of the importance of cultivating collective consciousness and seeking more harmonious and responsible ways to interact with our planet and all forms of life that inhabit it.

Humberto Maturana will always be remembered as one of the brightest and most visionary thinkers of our time. His dedication to exploring the mysteries of life, combined with his ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and accessibly, has inspired countless minds around the world. His influence continues to resonate in the fields of biology, neuroscience, philosophy, and other related disciplines.

Today, we pay sincere tribute to Humberto Maturana and his lasting impact on the scientific and intellectual field. His quest to understand life in a holistic manner and his contributions to the theory of autopoiesis will continue to guide curious minds and inspire new discoveries. May his memory and legacy continue to illuminate the path for future generations of scientists and scholars.

Humberto Maturana