In this second post, I will describe the process of continuous integration with Bitbucket that allows, for example, that I write this text directly in the web browser interface. Bitbucket, versioning control repository of corporate giant Atlassian, has its own seamless integration solution bitbucket-pipelines. Its configuration is basically the usual, using a yaml format file.
The basic structure of the bitbucket-pipelines.yaml file is simple:
image: andthensome / alpine-hugo-git-bash
- step:
- hugo
I chose this particular docker image because it is based on Alpine Linux (and thus has a minute size of 5MB) and has Hugo and Git preinstalled. The author of the image created it precisely for continuous integration with Wercker. In my case, I had to add a few more things:
- step:
- apk update
- apk add openssh
- git submodule update
- hugo
- git config <username>
- git config <>
- git add. && git commit -m "new update"
- git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter public
- git checkout -b deploy
- git push -f origin deploy
Apk is Alpine’s package manager, and I need openssh because bitbucket.pipelines doesn’t save integration artifacts in free accounts (except in the download area). It is necessary to synchronize the updated files with the remote via ssh (hence also the need for Git). Also, I need to give a git submodule update
because the Cocoa EH theme is a submodule inside my repository.
Since Hugo writes the generated page files to the public directory, I filtered the files using git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter
and created a new branch called deploy
, then checkout on it. The remote already has a deploy
branch, but bitbucket.pipelines only clones master
. So it is also necessary to push with the git push -f
(force) option.
In addition, it was necessary to generate a cryptographic key pair in the pipelines menu and then settings. The public key can be copied with one touch. Just add the key to the Bitbucket profile security settings and everything will work like a commit from a source repository to the remote.
Très, très simple! I did everything from a tablet! And the integration was lightning fast, lasting less than 15 seconds!
PS: The only limitation for me was that Alpine Linux has no option to configure locales, and this prevented me from accentuating the page title. But that was all. The symbols and accentuation within the text of the posts are preserved.