15 Sep, 2017
Baldolino Calvino


Translated from english to Dothraki unig LingoJam and Fun Translations. Untranslated terms are highlighted for further work.

Jini jin initial sanase she jin page, majin anha zin zin vo sure fin me tikh tikh jin blog, jin site, jin portal, jin service, che ato oakah ann. Ven usual, jin naqis qisi kikerosi jin page ki created. Jin english-speaking chomak tikh ajjin begin ma awesome che outstanding che eshna such exaggerated adjectives mori allayafi. Fin ei minimalistic static page ajjin fantastic arrek jin whole world ajjin jin homogeneous mesina ki “extraordinary” things rek ends ha being incredibly flech.

Jin page ajjin static, meaning vo processing she server side. Files hash stored she server, vosma me ajjin jin client side rek interprets eyak. Jin recent trend she jin model comes arrekoon asset loading athdikar ma minimal aesthetics rek prefers jin emphasis she chek-kept typography, economical organization akka balanced vishiya. Vo rek hazze ajjin vo room ha jin vibrant. Anha zhorre eshna page, made ma eshna marriya ha static pages, majin looks allayafi jin rich gum.

Jin marryia anha use gwe hash composed ki Hugo, jin framework ha building websites, ven jin static page generator ajjin self-defined, written she elat, akka Cocoa EH, jin ultra-minimalist aranikh ma clean akka cool typography ha Hugo. Anha use jin Macbook pro early 2011 ma 16 Gb ki RAM. Oma excessive details:

  • Anha installed Hugo ma homebrew, ato ki package managers ha MacOS:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
$ brew install hugo

Anha chose jin aranikh arrekoon jin [hundreds][themes] available akka installed me ki downloading jin contents ki repository into jin themes\cocoa-eh folder mra jin location anha chose tat house jin page code. Ven anha use jin Git version control system, anha started jin git repository kijinosi folder finne anha keep jin page files, majin cloned jin aranikh ven jin submodule:

$ cd pasta
$ git init
$ git submodule add themes/cocoa-eh

Anha alikh jin line tat config.toml file:

$ echo 'theme = cocoa-eh' >> config.toml

Jin file store configuration parameters she toml format. Jin aranikh comes ma at example rek laz tikh customized:

baseurl = ""
theme = "cocoa-eh"
builddrafts = true
canonifyurls = true
contentdir = "content"
languageCode = "en-US"
layoutdir = "layouts"
publishdir = "public"
author = "Alexis Tacnet"
title = "Cocoa Enhanced"
disqusshortname = ""
pluralizelisttitles = false

blog = "blog/:slug/"

dateform = "Jan 2, 2006"
dateformfull = "Mon Jan 2 2006 15:04:05 MST"
description = "Example blog"
copyright = "Copyright © 2015 Nishanth Shanmugham"
# copyrightUrl = ""
logofile = "img/logo.png"
faviconfile = "img/logo.png"
highlightjs = true
progressively = true
share = true
latestsanasecount = 5
github = "example"
email = ""
linkedin = "john-example-aa80ue8è"
twitter = "example"
facebook = "facebook_id"
social_banner = "img/banner.png"
usesmallsummarycard = true
posts_navigation = true
# issoHost = "comments.domain.tld:1234"
# githubRepo = "githubUsername/repositoryName"
small_banner_logo = false

identifier = "#527fc1f"
identifier_dark = "#1a3152"
trivial = "#6a7a8b"
foreground = "#181d2a"
background = "#f9f9f9"
background_dark = "#282a36"
code = "#87a5d2"
type = "#97d28b"
special = "#ffcb8d"
value = "#96c2d7"
statement = "#ff8e91"

Irge installing Hugo akka downloading jin aranikh, disse lanat jin code:

$ hugo
$ hugo server

Irge starting jin server, anha pointed jin browser tat http://localhost:1313 akka page laz tikh viewed.

Vosma, anha stiil ki tat implement jin page she ale web server. Specifically, anha wanted tat use Bitbucket, akka Atlassian code storage portal serves static content finne <user> addresses. Tat jin, anha created jin repository she anna Bitbucket account, naming me according tat oleth convention (the page hake). Arrek anha synchronized jin source ma “master” branch ki page’s local repository:

$ git remote add origin https://<usuário><usuário>/<usuário>
$ git push -u origin master

Ven just jin contents ki public folder jif tikh served, anha created jin sash branch ki repository ki filtering jin folder she qaf:

$ git subtree split --branch deploy --prefix public/
$ git checkout deploy
$ git push -u origin deploy

Kijinosi, jin sash branch deploy ki ray been synchronized ma fas. Jin nakhok detail ki tat configure jin repository she Bitbucket ma rek jin main branch tikh tikh deploy akka vo master. Arrek anha navigated tat https://<user>. bitbucket. io akka checked jin final result.